Harnessing the power of Christmas music to increase a child’s love for Classical Music
When I was a little girl, classical music brought me a lot of peace through many chaotic days. I would joyfully skip over the pop music stations to WQXR, our local classical music station in NYC.
Christmas is the perfect time to increase your child’s interest in classical music. Many children don’t appreciate Classical music because they haven’t been exposed to it. By age 5, our kids have already heard and loved so many other types of music that Classical music may sound very different than what they’re used to, that they may not even like it at first. I wouldn’t give up! Instead, keep giving them opportunities to love it. I find that students that are exposed to classical music from a young age show a greater appreciation for all music in general, and where does an appreciation of a broad spectrum of music lead? To a greater understanding of history and socio-cultural relevance.
Christmas music is widely available on Youtube, Pandora, and Spotify but, the Grandfather of all Christmas music, the Classical genre is widely available everywhere! Scour libraries for local Symphony recordings to bridge the gap between the music, musicians, and your geographic location. It makes it even more special when you can drive by the local Philharmonic, Operahouse, or Theater and say, “That’s where they recorded Handel’s Messiah we heard the other day… “or demonstrate how close World-Class musicians from your hometown are playing something they just heard. I love seeing the “click moment’ in a child’s eyes when they realize the beautiful music they hear now was created right near them.
Harnessing the power of Christmas music to increase a child’s love for Classical Music:
I can’t stress enough, the impact that Classical music has on the lives of our young children and their learning. Study after study has shown the neurological benefits of listening to classical music while studying and learning. According to Assal Habibi, music benefits children by “strengthening networks that process sound, language, and communication as well as engaging areas that are responsible for decision-making, focusing attention and inhibiting impulses.” https://dornsife.usc.edu/news/stories/3157/neuroscientists-research-reinforces-musics-impact-on-the-develop/
How do we harness this Christmas power in our homes?
Search for Classical Playlists from local radio stations that have been carefully curated for the seasons, almost every major city has a local classical music station.
Our local station https://kmfa.org/?gclid=CjwKCAiA_Kz-BRAJEiwAhJNY71iqKcH2a0ZyfVO8cVdvdcnBAdoa2po79GOOWpyTDdvOATBLRA9JPBoCKVQQAvD_BwE is a great community resource to provide local information as well as co-sponsored events for the family. Using local stations can be instrumental (I know, I know) in fostering your child’s love for the Classics through many community-sponsored programs which are often free, especially during the summer.
Where do we start?
Bach is a great composer to start with. There are many Christmas Classical Playlists that begin and end with Bach.
Here are a few to start you on your Classical journey:
WQXR: https://www.wqxr.org/story/your-christmas-morning-bach/
Check out my personal Spotify Playlist featuring Bach:
<iframe src="https://open.spotify.com/embed/playlist/3f4jFy5BpihgmK7BsvQeRp" width="300" height="380" frameborder="0" allowtransparency="true" allow="encrypted-media"></iframe>
I’ve added other composers to broaden your little one's exposure.
Typical Christmas Favorites they may already be familiar with:
Handel’s Messiah Facebook Live event celebrating the Christmas Holiday:
This is a particular favorite of mine because it explains the instruments and a brief explanation of an Oratorio, giving children a bit of Music vocabulary.
Silent Night:
Beautiful Piano version:
You can find more versions on my Spotify Classical Christmas music list above.
As a pianist, one of my absolute favorites is Lizst’s Christmas Tree, this set seems accessible to the young Piano student allowing them to connect to a piece they can play. An easy classic for them to learn is Good King Wincelas, a very traditional Christmas carol.
Classical FM’s Classical music list for kids:
This beautifully curated list presented by Classicalfm is an exceptionally nice one. I consider them to be very informative and varied.
Christmas Tree:
Youtube list of Children’s Hymns for Christmas:
Away in a Manger: My favorite!
Gloria in Excelsis Deo in Operatic/Classical form:
And although it is a traditional Easter Hymn of the USSR Orthodox church, it unquestionably lends a quiet quality of Christmastide to your holiday gatherings.
Tchaikovsky- Hymn of the Cherubim
I hope you enjoy these classics and all they lent to the spirit of Christmas.
What are some of your family’s holiday favorites, what would you add to the list?